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Modifications can be made up to 24 hours before the scheduled departure time (72 hours for flights to or from Morocco) if you booked a "Lite" or "Basic" Fare. For bookings with "Value" or "Ultimate" fare, flight modifications are allowed between 8 to 24 hours before departure, depending on the Flexi policy purchased at the time of booking.

Please refer to your travel itinerary for the applicable modification policy.

You can modify instantly online through below form or by contacting our call center, visiting our sales offices or travel partners.

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Add seats

Whether flying individually or with your family, select your preferred seat prior to your flight and guarantee that it is reserved for you.

Add meals

Add meals

Enjoy a more personalized journey with Air Arabia. Select the meal of your choice offered by our Sky Café menu prior to your flight.

Add airport services

Add airport services

Enjoy fast track check-ins and boarding, hassle-free immigration processing, convenient porter air travel services and well-equipped lounges to relax in.