Авиабилеты Куда Пальма-де-Майорка

С одного взгляда


Hotels to suit all budgets

Getting Around

Trains buses and taxis

Best time to visit

May to October

Time Zone

+1hrs GMT





Обнаружить Пальма-де-Майорка

Cathedral de Mallorca

Visit the Cathedral de Mallorca, a spectacular cathedral is located close to the sea-side. The museum has exhibits of religious paintings and silverware.

Banys Àrabs

Banys Àrabs is the only building in Palma dating to the Arab settlement. The baths were constructed in the tenth century, and were sauna-style: the floor was heated and water added to make the room steamy. A small courtyard and the two rooms of the baths themselves are open to ten people at a time.

Museo de Arte Español

Art connoisseurs will love the Museo de Arte Español Contemporáneo This branch of the museum of contemporary art has a permanent collection of over seventy pieces by modern Spanish masters including Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Juan Gris and Salvador Dalí.

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