Jinnah International Airport

Established in 1929 and later renamed in honor of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, Jinnah International Airport is located 14km east of Karachi. It serves as a major hub for international and domestic flights and is a key connecting point as well as a destination in itself.

The airport provides passenger and cargo services to a wide range of destinations, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America. It is also a significant facility for cargo operations and serves as a base for several airlines.

Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, is situated along the Arabian Sea in the southern part of the country. The city is well-connected to other major cities in Pakistan and internationally, largely facilitated by Jinnah International Airport.

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Karachi, la città più popolosa del Pakistan, ha una combinazione di vecchio e nuovo interessante e colorata. La città è una delizia per chi è in cerca di buoni affari, con miriadi di bazar che vendono prodotti come piumini, bigiotteria, prodotti in pelle e oggetti fatti di ottone e onice.

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